39th Cycle Research Projects
ANESE GIOVANNI - Development of tether-in-space technology for propellant- less propulsion and artificial gravity
Email: giovanni.anese@studenti.unipd.it
Office collocation: secondo piano ufficio 074, DII (corpo E, ex Fisica Tecnica), Via Venezia 1
External links: https://www.linkedin.com/in/giovanni-anese-216334248
BECCARELLI JOEL - Machine Learning Algorithms For efficient data analysis of Solar System Bodies
Email: joel.beccarelli@phd.unipd.it
Office collocation: Vicolo dell’osservatorio 3, Specola, Sezione INAF\OAPD
External links: Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/joel-beccarelli-13b38815a
I began my university journey by studying Astronomy for my Bachelor's degree, and continued on to pursue a Master's degree in Astrophysics and Cosmology, both of which were undertaken at the Università degli Studi di Padova. Prior to being awarded a PhD scholarship at CISAS in October 2024, I held a scholarship for 5 months at INAF\OAPD. During this period, I developed a strong interest in planetary bodies such as planets, asteroids, and comets, particularly focusing on their mineralogy and studying their spectra to gather information about their history and nature. This interest is closely connected to the unresolved question of the origin of life, which is a topic I am deeply passionate about.
Sintesi del progetto di ricerca:
My PhD project will be devoted to the use and development of machine learning algorithm in order to efficiently analyze and process planetary bodies data acquired from ground-based telescopes and/or space probes instruments.
CIARLANTINI SABRINA - Sensori monolitici a pixel attivi per strumentazione per nano/cubesat
e-mail: sabrina.ciarlantini@phd.unipd.it
Office collocation: Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Via Marzolo 8, stanza 381
Sintesi del progetto di ricerca:
The topic of my Ph.D. research project is the development and implementation of Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) for nanosat and CubeSat instrumentation. Nanosatellites orbiting around Earth provide information of the surface of our planet useful to monitor a wide range of processes and consequently, several different types of sensors are mounted on them, among which pixel sensors are present. In the research world pixel sensors of various flavors are in general employed as particle detectors: MAPS are state-of-the-art pixel detectors, developed to instrument the tracking systems of high energy physics experiments. They offer high signal-to-noise ratio, robustness for space applications, and the contained costs. The goal of the project is to define a set of technical specifications that MAPS must fulfill to be used in experimental activities on nanosats, and more in general in currently used space detector systems.
ENZO SAMUELE - Progettazione di infrastrutture per l'implementazione e l'esercizio di architetture di esplorazione sostenibile e per l'esplorazione Robotica
e-mail: samuele.enzo@phd.unipd.it
external links: http://www.linkedin.com/in/samuele-enzo-5535331b6
Obtained a Master's degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Padova. Member (2019-2020) and later Head (2020-2021) of the Aerodynamics Department for the Formula Student Team "RaceUp," Electric Division. Since 2021, member of the Alba CubeSat UNIPD Student Team, working on the Impact Sensor Payload and on team management.
Sintesi del progetto di ricerca:
The research focuses on assessing the feasibility of a manned mission for solar exploration of celestial bodies, utilizing systems capable of generating artificial gravity through tether technology. This includes the development of a scaled technology demonstrator to test the system. Additionally, the study examines how tethers degrade due to collisions with space debris, and proposes experiments and technology demonstrations aimed at ensuring the sustainability of future space exploration. The project also explores the creation of a business model and conducts a feasibility study for an in-orbit technology demonstration service.
IMPERATRICE MARTINA - Integrated navigation and docking systems for small satellites
Email: martina.imperatrice@phd.unipd.it
Office collocation: Building: 00140 (Ex Meccanica) - Floor: 03 - Room: 045
external links: Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/martina-imperatrice
MELCHIORI GIACOMO - Analoghi planetari lunari e marziani: caratterizzazione geologica in supporto alla futura esplorazione planetaria
e-mail: giacomo.melchiori@phd.unipd.it
external links:
I am a geologist, graduated from the University of Padova, with a strong interest in space
activities and, in particular, in the geology of other celestial bodies. In fact, the three-year
thesis involved the production of a geo-stratigraphic map of a portion of the Crommelin
crater (Mars), while the master's thesis allowed the structural analysis of the faults present in
an area of the Oceanus Procellarum (Moon).
Sintesi del progetto di ricerca:
The research project focuses on the geological characterization of Lunar and Martian analogue sites; the term “analogue” is used to describe objects having chemical and/or physical properties like extraterrestrial objects. A special attention is reserved to the so-called ISRU (In Situ Resources Utilization); ISRU is the term used to refer to consumables for autonomous or human activities from raw materials found in situ on other planetary bodies, with products such as O2 and H20 for life support and H2 and O2 for fuel and propellant. In this framework, it becomes essential to build an accurate knowledge on composition, availability, and distribution of resources.
The aim of this project is to create an extensive database of morphological and
compositional characteristics of selected analogue sites in order to define what are the aspects which make an area promising from the point of view of ISRU.
In the end, the most ambitious goal is to help space exploration in terms of habitability to sustain the human presence on the Moon, opening new and sustainable perspectives for space exploration.
RECABARREN VERGARA LUIS MATIAS - Design and performance optimization of the Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory at the PeV scale
Email: luismatias.recabarrenvergara@studenti.unipd.it
Office collocation: Edificio Paolotti (via Belzoni 7), sala P3A
external links: www.linkedin.com/in/luismrecabarren
Background: I studied B.Sc in Physics, majored in Astronomy followed by a M.Sc. in Physics During my formation I mainly researched on mathematical physics (the development of new integration techniques to solve Feyman diagram integrals), and astroparticle physics (Hawking spectrum of evaporating primordial black holes).
Research project summary: My current research is focused in astroparticle physics which is the field where high energy physics and astronomy converge. In particular, I am working on the design of the Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO) and its performance in the PeV energy scale. Additionally, I am interested in the potential observational prospects of this instrument of fundamental physics phenomena such as Lorentz Invariance Violation, Primordial Black Holes and Axion-like Particles.