7th Metis Workshop 2019
11-13 November 2019, Padova - Italy
Announcement of the 7th Metis Workshop
Solar Orbiter is fully integrated and is undergoing the last tests on electronics and software before being shipped to Kennedy Space Flight Center for the launch campaign.
Solar Orbiter is planned to be launched on 6th February 2020 and, after a cruise phase, will start its nominal mission at the end of 2021.
Solar Orbiter carries the most complete suite of instruments for the study of the Sun after SOHO.
With a payload composed of remote sensing and in-situ instruments will study the Sun at close heliocentric distance and out-of-ecliptic point of view, to investigate the polar regions and the connections between the magnetic field and the solar wind from the photosphere to the heliosphere.
Metis is the payload coronagraph that will image the solar corona with a field of view from 1.6 to 3 degrees in the hydrogen Ly-alpha and in the polarised visible light broadband and will provide an insight on the dynamical phenomena that take place in the solar wind acceleration region.
The workshop will be devoted to a detailed introduction of Metis to the solar and the heliospheric community, in order to define the scientific planning strategy and to propose science with Metis and the Solar Orbiter, in synergy with other current and planned space missions, such as PSP, PROBA-3, Bepi Colombo, and ground based instrumentation.
The meeting will be held at Archivio Antico, Palazzo Bo in the afternoon of 11th of November and at the Centro Universitario in Padova on the 12th of November and in the morning of 13th of November. A poster session is foreseen.
We look forward to welcoming you in Padova!
11-13 November 2019 - Padova
11 November 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm Archivio Antico Palazzo del Bo, Via VIII Febbraio 2, Padova (map)
12 November 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Centro Universitario Padovano, Via Zabarella 82, Padova (map)
13 November 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Centro Universitario Padovano, Via Zabarella 82, Padova (map)
12 November 8.00 pm Social dinner
Abstract submission
Deadline abstract: 10 October, 2019
At the meeting there will be space for a few contributed talks as well as for posters. Abstracts for contributed talks or poster presentations are welcome. Please, submit them as a single page A4 pdf document according to this template by sending them by e-mail to: metis.cisas@unipd.it, giampiero.naletto@unipd.it
Please, specify in the subject line your surname and whether it is for oral or poster.
Registration - Click here
Registration will be open from September 2 with deadline on October 20, 2019
Registration fee is 180€ and includes all the meals during the workshop and the social dinner
Please note that only registration online will be accepted
Please specify your food intolerance or allergy by sending us an e-mail to metis.cisas@unipd.it
Program - Click here
Vincenzo Andretta (INAF - Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte, Napoli)
Silvano Fineschi (INAF - Astronomical Observatory of Torino)
Petr Heinzel (Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)
Giampiero Naletto (University of Padova)
Marco Romoli (University of Firenze)
Daniele Spadaro (INAF - Astronomical Observatory of Catania)
Marco Stangalini (ASI)
Luca Teriaca (Max Planck Institut for Solar System Research - Göttingen)
G. Naletto (University of Padova)
P. Zuppella (CNR-IFN Padova)
G. Bettonte (University of Padova)
P. Manfredi (University of Padova)
News | Program | List of participants | Venue | Gallery
LOC: metis.cisas@unipd.it
prof. Giampiero Naletto: giampiero.naletto@unipd.it
prof. Marco Romoli: marco.romoli@unifi.it
Metis Home Page at INAF/OATO
Solar Orbiter Home Page at ESA